
Therapeutic Thai Massage

This rejuvenating session supports each client with great care and consideration. Our practitioner uses her palms, elbows, forearms, knees and feet to compress muscles, soothe pressure points, and gently stretch the body allowing free constriction, tension and pain. Each session works toward helping your specific concerns, providing care and precise therapy. We utilize herbal compresses during each massage and may add fire cupping, tok sen/chiseling, scraping, liniments, and oils, as tools for additional relief. This method promotes deep relaxation within the body and stillness within the mind while alleviating all types of ailments and injuries, leaving you feeling calm and limber.

60 mins $120 | 90 mins $180 | 2 hours $240

Thai Abdominal Massage

Quite possibly the most important massage style we offer. In Thai medical theory, the abdomen is the central mind of our body, it’s function determines our health. Abdominal massage is an essential and practical technique, which methodically releases layers of tension. Taking care to reset the body's center, this session will rejuvenate the low back, spine, digestive system, and more. With its surprising levels of release, abdominal massage frees long held tension around the entire body, aiding circulation, respiration and nerve function.

60 mins $120 | 90 mins $180 | 2 hours $240

Steamed herbal compresses are used during sessions to aid in softening and opening up the body.

Steamed herbal compresses are used during sessions to aid in softening and opening up the body.


Services for Women 

An important distinction of Woven Body is our focus on therapies for women. We provide care during the prenatal and postpartum processes and soothe clients during miscarriage and abortion. Through steaming, abdominal work and postpartum therapies, our goal is to nourish women using natural practices. Our techniques are effective in addressing the physical concerns and conditions associated with low abdominal, low back, hip and upper leg pain as a result of constriction, tension, and misalignment.
