

For supreme health, the body should ventilate by sweating each day. As we sweat, our pores open and our skin breathes. During this expiration all systems laying below the skin relax, muscles release tension, and with this unlocking fluids are free to move more easily. Circulation increases, lymphatic flow increases and the body cleanses. 

The fastest way to create change in the entire body system is to use sweating as a method of therapy. Added to our steam tent is a blend of herbs which support relaxation and hydration as the body detoxes. Their soothing aroma uplifts and calms at once.

We offer safe, sterile, sweating options in a private setting where you are free to come and go from the single person tent as you please.



Whole Body Steam

Using an old family recipe we blend therapeutic Thai herbs crafted to address muscular tension, heavy mood, and unsteady digestion. The whole body steam is a blissful and effective method to genuinely decompress. You are welcome to three rounds of steaming, giving your body time to cool and adjust and reset, then reopen and flush the pores again. By the third round your body is cleansed, uplifted and deeply relaxed.

 Feel free to hover ailing body parts or even stand directly over the steamer, or simply sit and breathe deeply allowing the herbs to cleanse your body.

 Our steam is wonderful as a therapy on it’s own, or can be coupled with a massage of your choice for a $10 discount.

Single Person Whole Body Steam- $45- 45 minutes

Steam for 2-4 People- 2 Hour session- $35 per person

Monthly Steam Packages- 4 sessions to be used during one month $165


Yoni Steam

Steaming is an essential health practice. In Thailand, women are encouraged to use herbal steams as a method of relieving pain, discomfort, and pelvic disharmony. Steaming the pelvis nourishes the skin, tissue, uterus, pelvic and core muscles. It encourages circulation and digestion especially in the lower organs. It relaxes the muscles of the low back, pelvic bowl and thighs, and can provide relief and rejuvenation to the body after birth, miscarriage, abortion and trauma. 

The pelvis is the largest juncture in the body. Housing our lower digestion, lower lymphatic ducts, the reproductive system, and is the base for our spine, its complexity lends to its susceptibility to stagnation, immobility, ailment, pressure and tension.

For many women, complications can easily arise during menstruation, birth, miscarriage, abortion, surgeries, and sexual activities. The pelvis requires more healing attention than other areas of the body. Steaming is a wonderful and easy way to soothe its needs. 

Herbal steaming can help strengthen the skin. As the pores open, therapeutic steam nourishes the skin, diving deep into the muscle and systems of the body. 

Yoni Steaming is an effective addition to one’s recovery routine. For personal care monthly sessions can offer restoration and rejuvenation. 

Our Yoni steam blends Thai herbs which restore, balance, nourish, and reset the body’s core. Additional herbs can be added for assistance with ailments, please let us know how we can help. 

Yoni Steam- $45 - 60 minutes | Yoni Steam- 3 Week Per Month Packages - $125