Our Mission


Woven Body has been formed with moving walls, the ability to teach worldwide, offering information to students who are otherwise unable to study and forging new communities interested in Thai healing arts. In any location, this school is space of learning where students are encouraged to forge a personal, growing, and transformational relationship with Northern Thai Healing Forms. Our teachings entwine anatomical and energetic techniques, personal care, herbal work and meditations providing a traditional experience. Demonstrated through our constant study and research, we are dedicated to preserving this form and often utilize the right to change our approaches to align with accurate information as more translations come forward. Through detailed lectures, guided demonstrations, indepth answering of questions, and extensive hands-on practice, our instructor focuses with each student so that they may intelligently practice this multilayered modality. We stand with our students to build a strong, supportive, and thriving community of Thai healing arts practitioners.